Green Walls & Persian Rugs


Clients often ask us for advice about how best to complement their newly found genuine Persian rug. There is no single answer to this, as the colours of Persian rugs can be accented by many parts of a room. A lamp can pick up the pink threads in a Khorassan, while the cushions of a sofa can work with the bright blues of a Nain. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is always a matter of personal choice.

Having said that, there are some choices we particularly admire, and green walls can work beautifully with the soft tones of many of our Persian rugs. Inspiration from places such as Vanessa Bell’s beautiful East Sussex farmhouse, shows the effect of the verdant freshness of green against the pale serenity of an antique Persian rug.

For those clients who wish to try something more experimental, we might suggest something in line with this original bathroom. A masterclass in using an unexpected pop of colour to highlight the stunning palette of a Persian rug. Here the acid green of the walls reveals the splendour of the blue and purple Qashqai rug to stunning effect.

For those with a more classic rug styles, an interior such as this sun-filled French-inspired country sitting room shows the unexpected grace of a pale green wall. The combination of raspberry and the creamy green gives a sense of both peace and vivacious life. These examples give some idea of the way in which combining colours can accentuate the glorious colour combinations contained in each Persian rug.

Green walls have traditional associations of billiards rooms and dark dining rooms. But, as we have seen, opting for the lighter end of the spectrum changes this up entirely. A pale or bright green wall feels fresh and original rather than gloomy and forbidding. But be warned, selecting your paint is not the only hard part. With over 4000 rugs available to explore in our showroom, choosing which one you love the most is quite a challenge too!

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