Handmade Vs Machine-Made Persian Rugs


You may find yourself asking, is it worth purchasing an authentic, handmade Persian rug when cheaper, alternative machine-made rugs are readily available?

To the untrained and naive eye, there is very little difference between a machine-made and handmade rug (besides the price!). However, there are in fact many differences between the two.

We have compiled a guide so that you can weigh up the differences before making an informed purchase from The London Persian Rug Company.

Investment Value

One of the major differences between machine-woven rugs and authentic, high-quality Persian rugs is their investment value.

Persian rugs are desirable collectable items which retain (and often increase in) their value due to a number of factors. The high level of craftsmanship that goes into the creation of a Persian rug makes it attractive to potential buyers – each rug is truly unique, made by hand from start to finish.

Over the past few decades, the value of Persian rugs has soared due to their high demand. Nowadays, people are really beginning to appreciate their sheer beauty and they are the trendiest addition to any home!

Machine-woven rugs, on the other hand, do not retain their value even if they are in great condition. This is because their overall lifespan is short and they do not have the potential to get better with age, unlike Persian rugs.


Machine-made rugs are mass-produced by industrial loom machines, where each knot is uniform and the colours are unnatural. You can be sure that there are hundreds of others with exactly the same rug in their living room! This reduces their value significantly.

Each Persian rug has its own history.

Persian rugs vary in colour, pattern and design because the entire process is manual. For us at The London Persian Rug Company, their irregularity really adds to the distinctive character and charm of a rug.


One thing that can’t go unnoticed is the vast array of materials which rugs can be made from.

Persian rugs are often made from strong silk, an organic material which has the potential to last for generations, has durability and feels incredibly beautiful underfoot.

Machine-made rugs are manufactured with cheap materials including wool and synthetic fibres such as polypropylene, nylon, polyester and acrylic. Whilst they may look okay, the reality is that these rugs will not stand the test of time unlike Persian rugs.

For more information and advice Persian rugs, get in touch with The London Persian Rug Company today, we provide complimentary room measuring and classic home rug trial.

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